NCERT Solutions Class 9 Mathematics Circles Exercise 10.3

Class 9 - Mathematics
Circles - Exercise 10.3

NCERT Solutions Class 9 Mathematics Textbook
Top Block 1

Exercise 10.3

Question : 1 : Draw different pairs of circles. How many points does each pair have in common? What is the maximum number of common points?

Answer :

NCERT Solutions Class 9 Mathematics Circles

        No common point                     One common point                      Two common points

Hence, the maximum number of common point is two.

Question : 2: Suppose you are given a circle. Give a construction to find its centre.

Answer :

Steps of Construction:

  1. Take arc PQ of the given circle.
  2. Take a point R on the arc PQ and draw chords PR and RQ.
  3. Draw perpendicular bisectors of PR and RQ. These

perpendicular bisectors intersect at point O.

Hence, point O is the centre of the given circle.

NCERT Solutions Class 9 Mathematics Circles
Mddle block 1

Question : 3: If two circles intersect at two points, prove that their centres lie on the perpendicular bisector of the common chord.

Answer :

Given: AB is the common chord of two intersecting circles (O, r) and (O′, r′).

To Prove: Centres of both circles lie on the perpendicular bisector of chord AB, i.e., AB is

bisected at right angle by OO′.

Construction: Join AO, BO, AO′ and BO′.

NCERT Solutions Class 9 Mathematics Circles

Proof: In ∆AOO′ and ∆BOO′

AO = OB           [Radii of the circle (O, r]

AO′ = BO′         [Radii of the circle (O′, r′)]

OO′ = OO′        [Common]

So, ∆AOO′ ≅∆BOO′          [by SSS congruency]

Hence, ∠AOO′ = ∠BOO′   [by CPCT]

Now in ∆AOC and ∆BOC,

∠AOC = ∠BOC                 [∠AOO′ = ∠BOO′]

AO = BO                            [Radii of the circle (O, r)]

OC = OC                            [Common]

So, ∆AOC ≅∆BOC          [by SAS congruency]

Hence, AC = BC and ∠ACO = ∠BCO ………….(i)           [by CPCT]

⇒ ∠ACO + ∠BCO = 1800……….(ii)           [Linear pair]

⇒ ∠ACO = ∠BCO = 900            [From equation 1 and 2]

Hence, OO’ lies on the perpendicular bisector of AB.

Bottom Block 3
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